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Development Choices / Internal Architecture Docs

The Architecture docs cover the broader, higher-level architecture of Pelorus: e.g. what talks to what and why.

Here you'll find notes about internal architecture: how and why the code is structured the way it is, libraries we made to support the project, why we chose to use certain external libraries, etc.

Some formal development choices we made are available as ADRs.


A declarative way to load configuration from environment variables, and log that configuration properly.

For more information, see the library docs.

Why It Was Made

For exporter configuration and startup, we've experienced the following issues: - It's always been ad-hoc and repetitious. - As env vars evolve, we had to keep reassigning old ones for backwards compatibility. - Configuration was not abstracted away from its source-- changing to a config file instead of env vars would take a lot of work. - Converting from strings to things such as lists was error-prone. - Logging wasn't always done, leading to tons of time lost debugging.

What It Does

  • Takes an attrs-decorated class and looks for environment variables matching field names.
  • Allows fallback env var names, optional fields, and defaults.
  • Tells you from which env var the value came from (or if it's the default).
  • Redacts any variable that looks like a credential by default (but is still manually configurable).


A declarative deserialization and type checking framework that makes handling heavily-nested data easy.

More detail can be found in the library docs.

Why It Was Made and What We Tried

We have to work with data from OpenShift / Kubernetes. You can't make static guarantees about those API definitions, since they can change with what's installed on the cluster, etc. It also means that type checking tools can't help us with that data.

As a real example, we need to get a commit author's name. It's at Note how nested it is-- 5 levels deep!

Background: the OpenShift Library

The OpenShift library makes it easier to write the above-- note that it's using attribute access, and not item access (.spec instead of ["spec"]). That's a convenience they added. However, missing fields return None instead of raising an AttributeError.

Look Before You Leap (LBYL)

We can try checking each level of the data before continuing, but that gets really verbose:

if openshift_object.spec.revision is None:
    log.error("missing revision")
if openshift_object.spec.revision.git is None:
    log.error("missing git")
if is None:
    log.error("missing author")
# etc.

It's also error prone. Did you realize that we never checked if openshift_object.spec is None?
You're also repeating yourself for each log message, and adding more context (about previous fields) is even more verbose.

Try It And See (TIAS)

We can try to assume the happy path, and catch any exceptions:

    name =
    print(f"the author is {name}")
except AttributeError as e:

Say that author isn't present. You'll get:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute name.
If that's surrounded by other code doing a ton of .name, how easy is it to see that the error came from here? Is there enough context?

You could put these checks around each level of access, but that's just a more boilerplate-heavy LBYL.

If name is absent, you'll get None. Is that what you wanted? Or were you expecting it to be present, and now you have to add yet another if name is None check?

Repeating Yourself

You need to repeat the above for each new variable you access.

You also still have the type checking issue-- are you expecting a number, but got a string? Did you remember to check for that manually? If you just wrapped it in int(), did you remember to check for None?

Failing Early, Failing Often

It's a way better user experience to report all of the issues at once. If we don't, it can be painful:

  1. See there's an issue with the data or code.
  2. Fix the issue with the data or code, which may take a while.
  3. Redeploy, rerun, potentially waiting a long time.
  4. Potentially GOTO 1.

What It Does

  • Deserializes and type-checks from mappings (dicts), iterables, and primitive values...
  • To attrs classes, lists, dicts, and primitives (checked).
  • Collects errors in parallel.
  • Allows specifying deeply-nested data in attrs field metadata.
  • Lets you keep the source you deserialized from for ease of use later.

External Libraries & Why We Use Them


We use attrs because it allows us to cut down on boilerplate, and let us have easily correct dunder implementations (e.g. __eq__).

We use it instead of dataclasses because its converters and validators are useful to us.


The exceptiongroup package backports ExceptionGroups to our version of python. They are the official way to collect parallel errors and present them, which is one of the core features of our deserialization package.


typing module gets better with every release of python. The typing_extensions package allows us to enjoy those improvements regardless of our version.