Pelorus Demo


  • Github SSH key is setup on the machine where the demo will run.
  • Ansible is installed
  • oc command line tools installed
  • Logged into OCP Cluster


In this demo, you will get a taste of how Pelorus captures a change going through the application's delivery cycle.

  1. Initializing Pelorus sets the baseline by looking at existing, stored data
  2. Running the demo script will create a new commit to go through the pipeline
  3. Watch as the metrics and trends change as new versions roll out

Pelorus should be used as a conversation tool to read the trends in metrics and react by making informed investments in the software delivery process.


Pelorus is up and running

Clone the pelorus repo.

Fork the RedHat COP Container Pipeline Repo, then clone (using ssh).

The location of the repo will be passed as an argument to the pelorus demo script (i.e. /home//projects/container-pipelines).

The second argument the script takes is the url of the forked repo, so for example ,"".


  • Deploy sample application (basic-nginx)
  • Make changes to the application (adding a line to index.html)
  • commit changes to source control
  • redeploy application with the changes to be captured by pelorus


An "idle" state could resemble: Idle-Data

>:mag: **Note**<br/>
>Dashboard can be found by going to grafana which url can found with:
>`oc get route grafana-route -o json | jq -r ''`
> And navigating Home(top left) -> pelorus -> Softare Delivery Performance

Run the demo script

pelorus/demo/ <path to container-pipelines> <url to forked repo>

The script will start and will begin to run the ansible-applier on the path. It will attempt to install ansible-galaxy, skipping if it is, and then run the ansible-applier playbook. This will setup a build (jenkins) as well as a dev, stage and prod environment. Once jenkins has been setup, an initial run of the basic-nginx app will build and deploy. Once that is complete, the dashboard should resemble the following: First-Deploy-Data

A prompt will appear on the screen waiting for user input, the user can "rerun" the script. What this will do is create a change in the index.html file, git commit and push it to the repository, then create another pipeline build. Then the second pipeline build of basic-nginx will start. Once complete, the dashboard will update again: Second-Deploy-Data