
Configuring The Pelorus Stack

The Pelorus stack (Prometheus, Grafana, Thanos, etc.) can be configured by changing the values.yaml file that is passed to helm. The recommended practice is to make a copy of the one provided in this repo, and store in in your own configuration repo for safe keeping, and updating. Once established, you can make configuration changes by updating your values.yaml and applying the changes like so:

helm upgrade pelorus charts/pelorus --namespace pelorus --values myclusterconfigs/pelorus/values.yaml

The following configurations may be made through the values.yaml file:

Variable Required Explanation Default Value
openshift_prometheus_htpasswd_auth yes The contents for the htpasswd file that Prometheus will use for basic authentication user. User: internal, Password: changeme
openshift_prometheus_basic_auth_pass yes The password that grafana will use for its Prometheus datasource. Must match the above. changme
custom_ca no Whether or not the cluster serves custom signed certificates for ingress (e.g. router certs). If true we will load the custom via the certificate injection method false
exporters no Specified which exporters to install. See Configuring Exporters. Installs deploytime exporter only.

Configuring Exporters

An exporter is a data collection application that pulls data from various tools and platforms and exposes it such that it can be consumed by Pelorus dashboards. Each exporter gets deployed individually alongside the core Pelorus stack.

Exporters can be deployed and configured via a list of exporters.instances inside the values.yaml file. Some exporters also require secrets to be created when integrating with external tools and platforms. A sample exporter configuration may look like this:

    # Values file for exporter helm chart
  - app_name: deploytime-exporter
    source_context_dir: exporters/
    - name: APP_FILE
      value: deploytime/
    source_ref: master

Additionally, you may want to deploy a single exporter multiple times to gather data from different sources. For example, if you wanted to pull commit data from both GitHub and a private GitHub Enterprise instance, you would deploy two instances of the Commit Time Exporter like so:

  - app_name: committime-github
    - github-credentials
    source_context_dir: exporters/
    - name: APP_FILE
      value: committime/
    source_ref: master
  - app_name: committime-gh-enterprise
    - github-enterprise-credentials
    source_context_dir: exporters/
    - name: APP_FILE
      value: committime/
    source_ref: master

Each exporter additionally takes a unique set of environment variables to further configure its integrations and behavior. These can be set with literal keys names and values under extraEnv or by creating a kubernetes secret and listing the secret name under env_from_secrets. As detailed below.

Commit Time Exporter

The job of the commit time exporter is to find relevant builds in OpenShift and associate a commit from the build's source code repository with a container image built from that commit. We capture a timestamp for the commit, and the resulting image hash, so that the Deploy Time Exporter can later associate that image with a production deployment.

We require that all builds associated with a particular application be labelled with the same<app_name> label.

Currently we support GitHub and GitLab, with BitBucket coming soon. Open an issue or a pull request to add support for additional Git providers!

Suggested Secrets

Create a secret containing your Git username and token.

oc create secret generic github-secret --from-literal=GIT_USER=<username> --from-literal=GIT_TOKEN=<personal access token> -n pelorus

Create a secret containing your Git username, token, and API. An API example is

oc create secret generic github-secret --from-literal=GIT_USER=<username> --from-literal=GIT_TOKEN=<personal access token> --from-literal=GIT_API=<api> -n pelorus

Sample Values

  - app_name: committime-exporter
    - github-secret
    source_context_dir: exporters/
    - name: APP_FILE
    value: committime/
    source_ref: master

Environment Variables

This exporter provides several configuration options, passed via environment variables.

Variable Required Explanation Default Value
GIT_USER yes User's github username unset
GIT_TOKEN yes User's Github API Token unset
GIT_API no Github API FQDN. This allows the override for Github Enterprise users. Currently only applicable to github provider type.
GIT_PROVIDER no Set Git provider type. Can be github, gitlab, or bitbucket github
LOG_LEVEL no Set the log level. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR INFO
APP_LABEL no Changes the label key used to identify applications
NAMESPACES no Restricts the set of namespaces from which metrics will be collected. ex: myapp-ns-dev,otherapp-ci unset; scans all namespaces
DEPRECATED GITHUB_USER no User's github username unset
DEPRECATED GITHUB_TOKEN no User's Github API Token unset
DEPRECATED GITHUB_API no Github API FQDN. This allows the override for Github Enterprise users.

Deploy Time Exporter

The job of the deploy time exporter is to capture the timestamp at which a deployment event happen in a production environment.

In order for proper collection, we require that all deployments associated with a particular application be labelled with the same<app_name> label.

Environment Variables

This exporter provides several configuration options, passed via environment variables

Variable Required Explanation Default Value
LOG_LEVEL no Set the log level. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR INFO
APP_LABEL no Changes the label key used to identify applications
PROD_LABEL no Changes the label key used to identify namespaces that are considered production environments. unset; matches all namespaces
NAMESPACES no Restricts the set of namespaces from which metrics will be collected. ex: myapp-ns-dev,otherapp-ci unset; scans all namespaces

Failure Time Exporter

The job of the deploy time exporter is to capture the timestamp at which a failure occurs in a production environment and when it is resolved.

Suggested Secrets

Create a secret containing your Jira information.

oc create secret generic jira-secret \
--from-literal=SERVER=<Jira Server> \
--from-literal=USER=<username> \
--from-literal=TOKEN=<personal access token> \
-n pelorus

For ServiceNow create a secret containing your ServiceNow information.

oc create secret generic snow-secret \
--from-literal=SERVER=<ServiceNow Server> \
--from-literal=USER=<username> \
--from-literal=TOKEN=<personal access token> \
--from-literal=TRACKER_PROVICER=servicenow \
--from-literal=APP_FIELD=<Custom app label field> \
-n pelorus

Environment Variables

This exporter provides several configuration options, passed via environment variables

Variable Required Explanation Default Value
PROVIDER no Set the type of failure provider. One of jira, servicenow jira
LOG_LEVEL no Set the log level. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR INFO
SERVER yes URL to the Jira or ServiceNowServer unset
USER yes Tracker Username unset
TOKEN yes User's API Token unset
APP_FIELD no Required for ServiceNow, field used for the Application label. ex: "u_appName" 'u_application'

ServiceNow exporter details

The integration with ServiceNow is configured to process Incident objects that have been resolved (stage=6). Since there are not Tags in all versions of ServiceNow there may be a need to configure a custom field on the Incident object to provide an application name to match Openshift Labels. The exporter uses the opened_at field for created timestamp and the resolved_at field for the resolution timestamp. The exporter will traverse through all the incidents and when a resolved_at field is populated it will create a resolution record.

A custom field can be configure with the following steps:

  • Navigate to an existing Incident
  • Use the upper left Menu and select Configure -> Form Layout
  • Create a new field (String, Table or reference a List)
  • You can use the API Explorer to verify the name of the field to be used as the APP_FIELD