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In the following sections, we present example configurations for a variety of Git Providers and Issue Trackers combinations.

Bitbucket & Jira

In this example, Pelorus will monitor only one application, where:

  • The application:
    • is named app_name in OpenShift.
    • is deployed to the example_namespace Namespace in OpenShift.
  • The application source code is hosted in Bitbucket.
    • Bitbucket user is bitbucket_user.
    • Bitbucket token is bitbucket_token.
  • The application uses Jira as the Issue tracker. (Default)
    • Jira user is jira_user.
    • Jira token is jira_token.
    • Jira server is example_server_url.
    • Pelorus will only monitor issues:
      • of type Bug. (Default)
      • with priority Hightest. (Default)
      • labeled example_label=app_name.
    • Pelorus will monitor the issues in example_project project.
    • Pelorus will consider monitored issues to be resolved when their status change to DONE.
kind: Pelorus
  name: bitbucket-jira-example-configuration
      - app_name: deploytime-exporter
        exporter_type: deploytime
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: example_namespace
      - app_name: committime-exporter
        exporter_type: committime
          - name: GIT_PROVIDER
            value: bitbucket
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: example_namespace
          - name: API_USER
            value: bitbucket_user
          - name: TOKEN
            value: bitbucket_token
      - app_name: failure-exporter
        exporter_type: failure
          - name: API_USER
            value: jira_user
          - name: TOKEN
            value: jira_token
          - name: SERVER
            value: example_server_url
          - name: APP_LABEL
            value: example_label
          - name: PROJECTS
            value: example_project
          - name: JIRA_RESOLVED_STATUS
            value: DONE

To monitor more applications using Bitbucket & Jira as providers, we would have to:

  • Add all the others namespaces (comma separated) in the deploytime exporter.
  • Create a committime exporter for each application, like the previous one, but with their corresponding namespaces.
  • Add all the others Jira projects (comma separated) in the failure exporter (or create new ones, if they live in different servers) and label issues properly with each application name.


In this example, Pelorus will monitor only one application, where:

  • The application:
    • is named app_name in OpenShift.
    • is deployed to the example_namespace Namespace in OpenShift.
  • The application source code is hosted in GitHub. (Default)
    • GitHub token is github_token.
  • The application uses GitHub as the Issue tracker.
    • GitHub token is github_token.
    • Pelorus will only monitor issues labeled both with:
      • bug. (Default)
      • example_label=app_name.
    • Pelorus will monitor the issues in user/example_repository GitHub repository.
    • Pelorus will consider monitored issues to be resolved when they are closed.
kind: Pelorus
  name: github-example-configuration
      - app_name: deploytime-exporter
        exporter_type: deploytime
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: example_namespace
      - app_name: committime-exporter
        exporter_type: committime
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: example_namespace
          - name: TOKEN
            value: github_token
      - app_name: failure-exporter
        exporter_type: failure
          - name: PROVIDER
            value: github
          - name: TOKEN
            value: github_token
          - name: APP_LABEL
            value: example_label
          - name: PROJECTS
            value: user/example_repository

To monitor more applications using GitHub as the provider, we would have to:

  • Add all the others namespaces (comma separated) in the deploytime exporter.
  • Create a committime exporter for each application, like the previous one, but with their corresponding namespaces.
  • Create a failure exporter for each application, like the previous one, but with their corresponding GitHub repositories, and label issues properly with each application name.

GitHub & Bitbucket & Jira

In this example, Pelorus will monitor two applications, where:

  • The first application:
    • is named app1 in OpenShift.
    • is deployed to the namespace1 Namespace in OpenShift.
  • The second application:
    • is named app2 in OpenShift.
    • is deployed to the namespace2 Namespace in OpenShift.
  • The first application source code is hosted in GitHub. (Default)
    • GitHub token is github_token.
  • The second application source code is hosted in Bitbucket.
    • Bitbucket user is bitbucket_user.
    • Bitbucket token is bitbucket_token.
  • Both applications use Jira as the Issue tracker. (Default)
    • Jira user is jira_user.
    • Jira token is jira_token.
    • Jira server is example_server_url.
    • Pelorus will only monitor issues of type Bug and priority Hightest. (Default)
      • Issues labeled with example_label=app1 are related to the first application.
      • Issues labeled with example_label=app2 are related to the second application.
    • Pelorus will monitor the issues in example_project project.
    • Pelorus will consider monitored issues to be resolved when their status change to DONE.
kind: Pelorus
  name: github-bitbucket-jira-example-configuration
      - app_name: deploytime-exporter
        exporter_type: deploytime
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: namespace1,namespace2
      - app_name: committime-exporter-app1
        exporter_type: committime
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: namespace1
          - name: TOKEN
            value: github_token
      - app_name: committime-exporter-app2
        exporter_type: committime
          - name: GIT_PROVIDER
            value: bitbucket
          - name: NAMESPACES
            value: namespace2
          - name: API_USER
            value: bitbucket_user
          - name: TOKEN
            value: bitbucket_token
      - app_name: failure-exporter
        exporter_type: failure
          - name: API_USER
            value: jira_user
          - name: TOKEN
            value: jira_token
          - name: SERVER
            value: example_server_url
          - name: APP_LABEL
            value: example_label
          - name: PROJECTS
            value: example_project
          - name: JIRA_RESOLVED_STATUS
            value: DONE

Webhook exporter only

In this example, Pelorus will receive data from the external systems without making any API calls to OpenShift nor external providers.

kind: Pelorus
  name: webhook-example-deployment
      - app_name: my-webhook-exporter
        exporter_type: webhook

With such configuration, the webhook service will be listening for the POST json data.